Have you ever wanted to have fun drawing, painting, and making things?  Then after you have finished your STEM and art projects, let’s be sure to earn points by competing in recreational sports like your favorite playground games.  Check the Game On Leaderboard for the player and team rankings.  Play your friends.  Make and beat your new friends.  Finally, make sure you earn enough points to be in your organizations club league championship tournament like the annual city championships Ocean Bowl Games.   This is STEAM XR Sports.  A safe fun place to play, learn, and create.   Oh yeah, you could win cash prizes, awards, scholarships, and internships.

Are you a school, parks and recreation center, or other organization?  If so, then contact us so we can create a STEAM XR Sports Club or organize a tournament.   Well let’s get going!

Get In Touch with STEAM Your Dreams

What is the Ocean Bowl Series?

What is the Ocean Bowl Series?

Ocean Bowl Series is the storyline and eGame product suite of the STEAM Your Dreams organization. Ocean Bowl was developed from the creation of “A Real Gift” a book written by the Founder of the STEAM Your Dreams organization, Roman Sudan Montagueo II. This book is an educational and entertaining book series designed for the youth and provides relatable challenges and learning experiences specific to current youth circumstances. “Imagine a world where dolphins and other sea mammals had their own sports league to compete against each other…hence the birth of Ocean Bowl Games”. Ocean Bowl Games is the eGaming product of the STEAM Your Dreams organization.

Check out the selection of books from the Amazon store.

Our STEAM eSports tournaments/events bring local/area elementary school kids together to compete in their assigned Ocean Bowl Game leagues. The STEAM  eSports program is designed for kids to compete in their individual Ocean Bowl Leagues where they have a chance to use their literacy (reading and math), creative, physical, and competitive skills to win special prizes. We use an innovative and immersive STEAM-based approach using brain games, science-based projects, physical activities, and eGaming for the kids to learn, play, and create while having fun. The goals of our events are to improve literacy, improve math scores, improve kids’ social and emotional behaviors, and inspire kids into STEM careers, galvanize teamwork, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills.

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